
Maintaining good oral health is essential, and our Santa Clara dentist strives to preserve permanent teeth whenever possible. However, there are situations where tooth extraction becomes necessary to maintain oral health.

Why Would a Tooth Extraction Be Necessary?

If you are in overall good health and not suffering from certain medical conditions, you are eligible for tooth extraction. Dr. Bindra may recommend extraction in any of the following scenarios:


Irreversible damage

Teeth may face decay or trauma that results in irreversible damage.

Interference with other teeth

Extra teeth in the mouth can interfere with the eruption of other teeth.

Baby teeth

If a child’s baby teeth do not fall out on time, they may need extraction to make room for permanent teeth.

Orthodontic treatment

Prior to orthodontic treatment, some teeth may need to be removed to make room for braces.

Periodontal disease

Infections due to periodontal disease can cause teeth to become loose and require immediate extraction.

Cancer treatment

A weak immune system caused by cancer can cause teeth to become infected and require extraction to prevent the infection from spreading.

Radiation treatment

People receiving radiation in the neck and head area may require teeth to be removed due to damage caused by radiation.

Wisdom teeth

People receiving radiation in the neck and head area may require teeth to be removed due to damage caused by radiation.

Simple Extraction

Teeth can be extracted through a simple or surgical procedure. A simple extraction is performed when the tooth is visible, and the dentist uses an instrument called an elevator to loosen the tooth and pull it out using forceps.

Surgical Extraction

A surgical extraction is performed when the tooth remains impacted or has broken off at the gumline. The dentist numbs the area and makes an incision to access the tooth, removes bone and tissue around the tooth, and may break the tooth into small pieces for easier extraction.

At our Santa Clara clinic, our team strives to make the extraction process as pain-free as possible. We understand that losing a tooth can be upsetting, and we are here to support you and discuss your options.

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