Periodontal Treatment

Periodontal Treatment

Periodontal dentistry focuses on diagnosing, preventing, and managing diseases affecting the gums and supporting structures of the teeth, collectively known as periodontal tissues. This specialized field addresses conditions such as gingivitis and periodontitis, which involve inflammation and infection of the gums and surrounding bone.

Periodontal treatment by the family dentist in Santa Clara, CA, aims to reduce or eliminate bacterial infections, manage inflammation, and restore the health of the gums and supporting tissues. Common procedures include scaling and root planing to remove plaque and tartar from below the gum line and more advanced treatments like gum grafts or surgical interventions for severe cases. Effective periodontal treatment improves oral health and helps prevent tooth loss and systemic health issues linked to periodontal disease.

Why Is Periodontal Treatment Important?

Prevention of Tooth Loss

Effective periodontal treatment addresses gum disease, a leading cause of tooth loss. By managing and treating conditions such as gingivitis and periodontitis, it helps prevent the need for tooth extraction due to advanced gum disease.

Improvement of Oral Health

Periodontal treatment by our dentist is essential for maintaining and improving oral health. Periodontal diseases are often characterized by symptoms such as gum bleeding, swelling, and persistent bad breath. These symptoms can significantly affect comfort, self-esteem, and daily activities. Periodontal treatment addresses these symptoms, reduces inflammation, and restores gum health through scaling, root planing, gum grafting, and antibiotic therapy. Patients can enjoy a more comfortable and functional mouth, better overall hygiene, and enhanced well-being by improving oral health.

Enhancement of Aesthetic Outcomes

Periodontal disease can lead to noticeable changes in the appearance of the gums, such as gum recession, discoloration, and uneven gum lines. These changes can affect the aesthetics of a person's smile and self-confidence. Periodontal treatment in Santa Clara, CA, including procedures like gum grafting and regenerative surgery, can help restore a more natural and aesthetically pleasing gum contour. By improving the appearance of the gums, patients can achieve a more attractive smile and feel more confident in their personal and professional interactions.

Reduces Risk of Emergency Dentistry

Periodontal treatment minimizes the likelihood of sudden dental emergencies caused by severe gum infections or abscesses. Regular care and management reduce the need for urgent dental interventions.

Restoration of Function and Comfort

Periodontal diseases can affect the functional aspects of the mouth, including chewing, speaking, and overall comfort. Advanced gum disease may lead to loosened teeth, difficulty chewing, and discomfort in the oral cavity. Periodontal treatment aims to restore the function of the teeth and gums by addressing the underlying issues and providing necessary interventions to stabilize and support the teeth. This restoration of function helps patients to eat and speak comfortably, maintain proper oral hygiene, and enjoy a better quality of life.

Common Periodontal Treatments

Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing are fundamental procedures in periodontal treatment designed to thoroughly clean the teeth and gums. Scaling involves removing plaque and tartar from the tooth surfaces and below the gumline. At the same time, root planing smooths the roots to remove any remaining bacterial toxins and prevent future plaque buildup. This deep cleaning process is often performed under local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort and is essential for managing early to moderate stages of periodontal disease. Contact us today to learn more.

Gum Grafting

Gum grafting is a surgical procedure used to address gum recession, where the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth, exposing the roots and potentially leading to sensitivity and further gum loss. During this procedure, healthy gum tissue is taken from another area of the mouth (or a donor source) and grafted onto the affected areas to restore the gumline and improve coverage of the tooth roots.

Periodontal Surgery

For more advanced cases of periodontitis, surgical interventions may be necessary. Periodontal surgery can involve flap surgery, where the gums are lifted to allow access to the roots for thorough cleaning, or regenerative surgery, which aims to rebuild lost bone and tissue using grafts and regenerative materials. These procedures help to reduce pockets between the teeth and gums, improve gum attachment, and restore lost bone structure.

Antibiotic Therapy

Antibiotic therapy may be prescribed to control bacterial infections contributing to periodontal disease. This can include topical antibiotics applied directly to the gum tissue or systemic antibiotics taken orally. Antibiotic therapy is often used in conjunction with scaling and root planing to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment.

Maintenance and Supportive Care

After initial periodontal treatment, ongoing maintenance and supportive care are crucial to sustaining gum health and preventing disease recurrence. This includes regular periodontal checkups, professional cleanings, and personalized oral hygiene instructions. Patients are encouraged to consistently practice their dental care regimen and attend follow-up appointments to monitor their gum health and address any issues promptly.

How to Prevent Periodontal Disease

  • Brush your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and floss daily to remove plaque and prevent tartar buildup.
  • Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings to detect and address any signs of gum disease early.
  • Eat a balanced diet of vitamins and minerals to support gum health and overall well-being.
  • Smoking and chewing tobacco can increase the risk of periodontal disease and impede healing.
  • Control systemic health conditions such as diabetes, which can exacerbate periodontal disease.
  • Drink plenty of water to help keep your mouth clean and support oral health.

Addressing periodontal issues through effective treatment and ongoing care helps preserve the gums' health, function, and supporting structures, ultimately contributing to a better quality of life and overall well-being. Visit Crestview Family Dental at 265 Crestview Dr, Santa Clara, CA 95050, or call (408) 217-0727 to book your appointment and receive the compassionate, expert care you deserve!

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Santa Clara, CA

265 Crestview Dr, Santa Clara, CA 95050


Office Hours

  • MON8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • TUE8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • WED8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • FRIAppointment Only
  • SATAppointment Only
  • SUNClosed
(408) 217-0727